Update story point as the sum of story points of linked issues

Apoorva Pahuja November 29, 2021

I need to update the story point of an "Initiative" as the sum of the "linked" epics. So epics are linked to the initiative (not as a subtask but as a link). Whenever the story point of the epics change, the change should get reflected in the way that the sum of story points of all the linked epics should be = story point of the initiative


1.  When: the value of story points changes


2. If the issue type is epic and there are linked issues


3. For the linked issues (which means the for initiative}


Story point  = {{issue.issuelinks.Story Points.sum}}


However, this is not working. The story point for the initiative is zero even when the story point for epic has values


This is similar to what was done here 



Please help, urgent!


2 answers

1 vote
Fernando Eugênio da Silva
Community Leader
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December 2, 2021

We managed to get a sum of story points with the attached structure:


Story Points SUm.PNG

But here are the details:
WHEN: Field Value Changed to STORY POINTS

IF: Issuetype does not equal: EPIC

BRANCH: For Epic (Parent)

ACTION: lookup issues and include a JQL: "Epic Link" = {{issue.key}}

Value: {{lookupIssues.Story Points.sum}}


This was the way we managed to sum up Story Points.

If this doesn't bring you the expected result, let us know.

0 votes
Eli Solutions Team -Eli Solutions-
Atlassian Partner
January 28, 2022

If you are adding points between linked issues, you could also do it through the explanation found here: You can find the full details here as well: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Automation-articles/Jira-Automation-Sum-Up-Story-Points-from-Epics-e-g-Initiative-gt/ba-p/1926311 

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