Transition destination status not resolved

Mark Wheeler
August 25, 2020

I'm using automation to try to transition an issue to the next status in a workflow. I have a screen for all status transitions, with the minimum being just a comment screen if no other information is required.

So first question is ... if a transition has a screen then will that stop my automation working?

I suspected it might so I created an "All" transition to the status I want to go to, without a screen and renamed it to "Auto". Then I set the transition match in Automation to ".*uto.*" (without the quotes) ... but I get the below message.

Any tips or advice would be gratefully received.

Thanks Mark


Transition issue

Destination status could not be resolved. If using a smart-value ensure this resolves to a numeric status ID or untranslated name for issues (with current status):REL-376 (Submitted - 10177)

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Atlassian Team
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September 13, 2020

Hi Mark,

Did you get this working?

Screens wont affect whether transitions as fields aren't required (except Resolution when used).

Is this a next-gen project in Cloud? We have recently made this a lot easier to specify Statuses and no longer show duplicate names.

A screen shot of your rule will help see what is going on.



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