Task is breaching timeline

Sushmita Chakraborty
May 7, 2024

When a task is about to breach its timeline, is there a way to set up a rule that might trigger alert to the person whom the task is assigned as well as the owner of the project.

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Fernando Eugênio da Silva
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May 7, 2024

@Sushmita Chakraborty , Welcome to the Atlassian Community!


You can build some automation rule to work as you described. Some rule example you can see in Automation Playground | Atlassian.

Also, in Automation section in your Jira you can take a look in 'Templates' to see more examples of rules. And if your current site is on Premium Plan, you can use Atlassian Intelligence resource to help you to create the rule.

If you still need help to build your rule, then back to us with more context/details about your idea.



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