Simple checkbox to indicate that a subtask is complete from board view?

David July 25, 2023

The image below is a screenshot from the board view and I hit the drop down carrot beside the "0/1" to show the subtask. Where it says "OFFER LETTER SIGNED", which is currently the name of the column it's in, I just need to replace that with a checkbox for "IB" to indicate the company email has been created. I would also be okay with a drop down that's "To Do" by default, that can be changed to complete. I would greatly appreciate any help with this. Thank you!

Side note, my company won't allocate any additional founds for apps.
Screenshot 2023-07-25 at 12.01.01 PM.png

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Ste Wright
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July 30, 2023

Hi @Ian Brown 

Just to clarify, you don't want to add a checklist - you want a "checklist" you can check off to state things are complete?

Could you add a checkbox field to the Task screen for this?


David July 31, 2023

Hello! That's correct. We are setting up subtasks to be automatically created at different times based on where the issue is at. These subtasks will also be assigned to individuals on various teams. The idea was to be able to have a simple view like above in our "Test 3" example, where the task is able to be marked complete from that drop down that reveals the subtasks, as opposed to having to click into the sub task to open it and mark it complete. We will have A LOT of subtasks and different things going on, so if there are areas that we can simplify things we would love to take advantage of it. Thank you for reaching out about this.

Ste Wright
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August 3, 2023

Hi @Ian Brown 

This isn't possible natively I'm afraid.

You could move across to a Jira Software Project, this allows Sub-tasks to be moved across the board itself, so you could move them to "Done" as they're completed.

Or from within Jira Work Management, you can click on a Task to view the detail either as an iFrame (dialog) or in the right-hand sidebar. From there, you can change the Status of each Sub-task using the appropriate drop-down Status box.


David August 3, 2023

Thank you for taking the time to let me know. I appreciate it.

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