Responders Field

Eman Yaseen May 13, 2024


I´m trying to assign tickets to multiple employees to work on it at the same time so I thought about using the Responder Field to assign others and I want them to be notified via Email. I tried a lot but still didn´t work. Someone please help with a clear explanation.

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Charlie Misonne
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May 14, 2024

Hi Eman!

If I'm not mistaken the Responder Field is a field for the OpsGenie integration. It might have some limitations for what you are trying to achieve. But what exactly is not working?

Atlassian and other community members often discourage the assignment of 1 single ticket to multiple users. The way Jira was designed you should create sub-tasks for the individual assignees so they can work on their specific part of the ticket.
With multiple assignees there is risk of people not picking up work because they do not know which other assignee might already be working on the item. And how do you know when each assignee is done with his own part of the work?
This is the theory...

If you really need multiple assignees you could create a multi select user picker field.

Eman Yaseen May 17, 2024

@Charlie Misonneyou are right, I tried it with Subtasks, and it's working perfectly. Thanks a lot

Charlie Misonne
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 17, 2024

Glad I could help!

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