Post function Copy Value from other field not working

Nannette Mori
July 8, 2020

I added a post function to copy a value to another field within the same Issue.  I have a validator which requires the field at the transition "Prioritization" but I also added the Copy value from field to another field at the same transition.  Which means the field is requiring a value at Prioritization and also asking that value to be copied to another field at the same transition.  Do I need to add the post function to copy a value to another field at another transition then the transition I am requiring the field to be populated with a value?


Also I saw some documentation that there is a post function "Copy field value from Parent".  I do not have that post function in my post function list.  What version of JSU is that in - what is the Jira Misc workflow extensions?

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David Fischer
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July 8, 2020

JMWE ( indeed offers the "Copy field value from parent issue" post function. 

As for your other question, I'm not sure I understand it. Post functions and Validators are independent, and Validators run before post functions.

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