My Jira automation rule is not sending updates to Microsoft Teams

Arpita Dasgupta
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July 16, 2020

I have create a automation rule to send updates to my Microsoft Team's team (specific channel) using webhook whenever a sprint is closed/started. The rule is giving me an error:


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Sam Harding
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 22, 2020


It seems like there is perhaps some configuration issue with the way the incoming webhook is set up on the MS Teams side. That error message 'null or empty eventType' is the response your webhook request receives when trying to communicate with MS Teams.

I see there have been some similar issues raised in these community posts:

It seems some people had success by changing the MS Teams connector, or by changing the webhook url they were using to send their data. Can you give these solutions a try and see if they work for you?


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