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Migrate Confluence from Windows to Linux data Center

niranjan September 18, 2023

Hello Community, 

In our production there are two Confluence instances. We are planning to migrate or consolidate the two instances and make it as one. I need tips and suggestion for how to achieve this migration. 

Note: we got the task to migrate all the data from Instance A to instance B. Currently there are no non-prod environments setup. 

Instance A -

  • Current Confluence Version - V 6.4.1 

  • Operating System- Windows Server 2012 R3

  • Application Server - Apache Tomcat V 8.0.43

  • Database - H2 database

  • Database Version - V 1.3.176

  • Database Driver Version -  V 1.3.176

  • Java Version - V 1.8.0_131

  • JVM Version - V 1.8

Instance B- 

  • Current Confluence Version - V

  • Operating System- Linux 5.15.0-1034-azure ( Datacenter with HA ) 

  • Application Server - Apache Tomcat V 9.0.63

  • Database - PostgreSQL database

  • Database Version - V 14.7

  • Database Driver Version - V 42.2.18

  • Java Version - V

  • JVM Version - V 11

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Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
Community Leader
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September 18, 2023

Hello @niranjan 

Ordinarily I'd say that you could export your spaces on Instance A as XML (backup) and then import them into Instance B.

According to these docs here, you should be able to import the XML zip file created on Instance A into Instance B.,PDF,HTMLandXML-NotesonXMLexporting


Good luck!

niranjan September 19, 2023

Hello @Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_ 

Thank you for the solution.  If we do XML import on instance B does the existing data on the instance B gets wiped out and imported data will only be there ? Also how to import the attachments, images, add-ons which are there on instance A ? please suggest. 




Robert Wen_ReleaseTEAM_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 19, 2023

Take a look at the following knowledgebase article

It should get everything you need for the space (except users and groups, I believe)

I also don't think it will overwrite the data on Instance B.

niranjan October 4, 2023

Thanks for the information.

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