Loop through Fixversion that is attached to an issue and show all issues in that fixversion

Larry Katz June 24, 2020

I can't seem to find this functionality.

I have a rule that does the following:

trigger: Issue Transition to "Ready To Deploy" from any status

when triggered it

closes the attached Fixversion on that ticket using the smart value: {{issue.fixVersions.name}}

This works fine.

But I also want to send an email and in the body of the email, with the same Fixversion that's attached to the above ticket,  lists all tickets in that Fixversion in the email body.

I've tried a few combinations on this page, but nothing prints out the list of issues in a fixversion that is attached to the ticket that made the transition for the trigger:

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Andreas Knecht
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 25, 2020

Hi Larry,

I believe you should be able to do this with our new "Lookup issues" action: https://support.atlassian.com/jira-software-cloud/docs/automation-actions/

So in your rule you can add this:

  • Trigger: Issue transitioned
  • Action: Release fix version
  • Action: Lookup issues and search for fixVersion = {{issue.fixVersions}}
  • Action: Send e-mail and use the new {{lookupIssues}} smart-value:
Just released:


  * {{key}} - {{summary}}


This would print a bulleted list of all released issues. Hope that makes sense.



Magdalena Dessoulavy
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 10, 2020

Is {{#lookupIssues}} action also awailable for DataCenter?  

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