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Link issue to existing EPIC - JIRA Automation

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March 7, 2023


I am attempting to create a rule that edits the epic link and assigns a specific epic to that issue.  I am using the following JSON


    "fields": {

        "Epic Link": "ISSUE_ID_OF_EPIC"




I receive an error stating 

Edit issue
Error editing issues
SomeIssue-160 (Issue 'ISSUE_ID_OF_EPIC' must be of type 'Epic'.)
The issue shows up as an epic.  I think I am missing something.  Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.



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Stefan Salzl
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March 7, 2023

Hi @jvantrease and welcome to the community,

Some questions:

  1. In your screenshot it seems your action is in another "line" (like it would be if there is a branch in between). Is that the whole automation rule? If not please provide complete material for the community to be able to do a propper analyze.
  2. you mentioned "ISSUE_ID_OF_EPIC" --> did you write the issueID or the issueKey into your JSON? I tested with adding the issue key to a JSON and it worked like a charm.
  3. If you added the key in your JSON please provide a clear screenshot of your JSON as well as from the issue you are trying to link.


I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 8, 2023

Hello Stefan,


Thanks so much for your help.  I eventually figured out the issue.  The issue I was trying to link was not an Epic issue.  It was in fact a User journey. Sorry to bother you.

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Stefan Salzl
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March 8, 2023

That would have been my main guess ;)

Good to know you got that working and thanks for your feedback

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David Pezet March 7, 2023

You might try passing the entire issue instead of just the key. If you only have the key to work with, you could use a lookupIssues action to get the issue based on the key. This returns a list, so you will probably need to reference it as {{lookupIssues.first}} to return the whole issue.

David Pezet March 7, 2023

Oh sorry! I just saw that you have both the Epic Link field and Epic Link in the Additional fields section. This could also cause problems. You'll want to uncheck that in the dropdown when using the Additional fields.

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