JSM Assets: Using Automation to Automatically Update Parent/Child Objects' Attributes

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June 25, 2024


I would like to update my Child Objects (inR) when my Parent Objects are updated in relation to three specific attributes. For example

If I have three attributes called Status (selection), Location1 (objectref) and Location2 (objectref) among many other attributes related to the objects in question. This means both the parent and child have these attributes available as well. 

If any or all of those three attributes in the parent or child get updated, I want assets to update the inbound and outbound objects accordingly. 

Currently I have:

When set up with "Object Updated" 

IF set with AQL that shows "objects having inboundReferences()

IF set with AQL that shows "objects having outboundReferences()

THEN set up to the attribute values but the values are static and do not target the parent/child accordingly. 

If automation is not the best way to accomplish this, I'm open for ideas. 

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