Is it possible to create sub-tasks based on labels?

Markus Zimmermann August 29, 2024

Hi together,

I need a logic that creates subtasks based on label entries!

Create-/Edit View Screen:
{Custom field} = [Label field]

When I update the {Custom field} with 3 label entries it should create automatically 3 sub-tasks.

For example: Labels (DEV - TEST - PROD)

Sub-task1: Summary (DEV - Sub-task)
Sub-task2: Summary (TEST - Sub-task)
Sub-task3: Summary (PROD - Sub-task)

I have absolutely no idea how I could realize this with Jira Automation. Any little help is welcome.

Thank you in advance …




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Trudy Claspill
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August 29, 2024

Hello @Markus Zimmermann 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Are you working with self-hosted Jira (Jira Data center) or SaaS Jira (Jira Cloud)?


Have you reviewed the Automation Rules documentation?

Have you worked with Automation Rules at all?


Do I correctly understand that DEV is on value, TEST is another separate value, and PROD is a third separate value?


When are the labels being added? Is that done only when the issue is created, or at a later date?

Is it possible that one label will be added, and then at a later date another label will be added, and you want subtask for each label?

Is it possible that a subtask with the matching summary might already exist? What should happen in that case?


Markus Zimmermann August 29, 2024


first at all it‘s Jira Datacenter! 

Only if I create new Issues then I need a automated rule which creates automatically new sub-tasks.

For example, if I add a label with the value [INTERFACE] or [PANIC] or both in this specific {Custom field} and select create only in this case I want 2 new sub-tasks. And it would be great if I could add the label value also in the summary from each sub-task.

Summary: INTERFACE - Sub-task

Summary: PANIC - Sub-task

To answer your question, I have no experience with Automation.

Any little support is welcome! 


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 30, 2024

Hello @Markus Zimmermann 

Unfortunately the functionality you need is not yet available in Jira Data Center:

Advanced Branching to iterate over a list of values in a field is not available.

Do you expect the values to be in a known set of values? If so then you could set up rules to check if your custom field contains value X and create a subtask if it does. You would need to set up a rule for each possible value in the field.

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