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Is admin privilege required?

rick fleischer
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October 7, 2020

There are lots of features and add-ins for Jira.  I'm sure the list can be searched or browsed.

Can you filter out any that can only be performed by administrators?
I don't know the ratio of users to administrators, but I'm confident it's much greater than 1.
Admin-only capabilities are useless to the vast vast majority of your users.
Universal capability to create and use add-ins, would open the floodgates of user innovation.
Would you need to mitigate risk? 

Any cost of doing so is trivial compared the increased value of Atlassian products.

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Mark Chaimungkalanont
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 8, 2020

There are lots of features and add-ins for Jira.  I'm sure the list can be searched or browsed. Can you filter out any that can only be performed by administrators?

What do you want to filter out here?

For Add-ons, most add-ons would have an impact on both admins and non-admins. e.g. for a Tempo time tracking add on, an admin would configure the field but a non-admin user would use the Tempo fields to fill in time. 

For features, I'm not 100% sure what you want to filter here? Are you referring to the docs?

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