Impossible to updating required field value on issue creation?

David J June 16, 2020

Hi all, 

I've run into the following issue and wondering if anyone has ideas how to overcome it:

Use case: on creating (or editing) an issue, I want automation to listen for the user changing a mandatory radio button field, and once it is being changed, I want automation to take the value of a number field A, and populate another number field B with it.

In my tests I faced the following:

1. this calculation cannot trigger before the issue is created

-> acceptable to calculate upon submitting an issue creation (and not applicable on edit as the issue exists), we can document that.

2. this calculation does not trigger/execute because before it comes to that, Jira throws an error of field B being required, before Automation can populate it.

-> is there a way to give Automation priority over the "required" field check?

-> any other ideas?


Thank you all in advance!



1 answer

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Answer accepted
June 16, 2020

The way Automation works, it's impossible!

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