I want to create a rule - dupliate a task to from one board to another

Jorge June 18, 2020


The rule I want to create is when a task is transition to "Testing" then duplicate the task from one Agile board to a Kanban board I have in the project.

The options I see in action is duplicate task but within a project I cannot find the level of boards.

Thank you for your help,


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Holger Rösch
June 19, 2020

Hi Jorge,

if you want to show a cloned issue in the same project but on a different board then you just have to configure your Kanban board to show theses issues. The rule can't help you there.

If I understood you correctly you want to do the testing on a different board but in the same project, right?

You could e.g. add a label to the cloned issues to achieve this ... but there might be an easier way (if what I understood is correct).



Jorge June 19, 2020

Hi Holger,

We track development in one Agile board but when reaching testing - testing is tracked in a Kanban board. Your answer is "you just have to configure your Kanban board to show theses issues", could you tell me how? My idea was as soon as a task reach the column testing in the Agile board with a rule duplicate the task in the kamban board but if there is a better way without duplication and just move the task to the kanban board that would be better this way we avoid duplication.

Look forward to hear about your idea, thank you!


Holger Rösch
June 22, 2020

Hi Jorge,

I am not sure what Board you are referring to when you speak about an agile board.

Are you maybe talking about a Scrum Board with Sprints? I ask because a Kanban Board is also an Agile Board just of a different type (no sprints but rather using WiP Limits instead).

If that is the case you can do the following:

1. extend the workflow of the issues you want to develop and test.

You are using Issuetype Task and the workflow for development has following Status:
"To Do", "In Progress", Done"

... and the workflow for testing has following status

"To Do", "In Progress", Done"

--> Create a combined workflow like

"To Do", "In Progress", "Ready4Testing", "In Testing", Done"

... and apply it to your issuetype Task

2. Prepare your boards:

- on your Scrum Board only show status 

"To Do", "In Progress", "Ready4Testing"

- on your Kanban Board show status

"Ready4Testing", "In Testing", Done"

That's basically it!

Now you can develop using your status for development and tracking it on the scrum board.
The last status there is "Ready4Testing"

Which is the first status on your Kanban Board.

There you can continue with testing. As soon as you move the ticket from "Ready4Testing" To "In Testing" it disappears from the first board. You move it to Done and ready you are.

Would that work for you?



Jorge June 26, 2020

Hi Holger,

Thank you for your response! I applied part of your suggestion and maybe I need to read more so I fully know how Jira works but the reason we still need the duplication is because we want to see the burnt chart for each board, maybe will sound strange to you, but I implemented the automation and now we have our tickets as we want them.

Thank you! 


Holger Rösch
June 30, 2020

Hi Jorge,

glad I could help!



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