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How to use automation to link issues from different Jira servers?

Nick Blokker April 7, 2023

I currently have a rule active that automatically links Jira's based on comments, this all worked out well until one of the Jira projects moved to their own server.

I can enforce users to manually link, that functionality is enabled for them and works fine. Ideally, I'd like to run the automatic rule again for this though.

Is it possible to utilize the Automation rules to link between different project servers?


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Tessa Tuteleers
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April 7, 2023

Hi @Nick Blokker , 

welcome to the community! 

It is possible with automation, however, it will take a little more action than just doing it in the same instance. 

I found some very descriptive documentation, where the cover creating and linking issues across different sites. You could use part of this to cover your requirements. 

The doc is a little older, but as the feature request to handle this easier is still open, I assume it is still the best way to handle this. 

Please also vote on / watch the FR to help get this on the radar of Atlassian. 

Hope this helps! 

- Tessa

Nick Blokker April 7, 2023

That FR would be golden! Voted and watching. Thank you for finding that and the documentation for the current workaround. 

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