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How to create automation based on custom event?

Niklas Lampén December 13, 2023

I have created a couple of custom events, such as "Issue Ready for QA" and "Issue QA Passed". I want to run automations based on these events, but I can't see any of the custom events to be selected as a trigger.

I have multiple projects using the same workflows, and not all projects are equal in what is expected to happen when "Issue Ready for QA" happens, so just adding post-transition function is not a desired answer.

How can I achieve this?

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David Friedrich
Rising Star
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December 13, 2023

Hi @Niklas Lampén , you could trigger a webhook along with your custom event as described here:

Automation rules can be triggered by webhooks. In this rule filter down to just the projects and issues you want actions to be performed on.

Hope that helps.

Niklas Lampén December 13, 2023

If I understand this correctly, this would send a JSON payload to a webhook to external system, but I would like to create Jira automation based on a custom event?

David Friedrich
Rising Star
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December 13, 2023

Which is not possible. Hence my suggestion to send a webhook within the same transition firing your custom event.

Add a new automation rule with the trigger "Incomming Webhook". It will provide you with an URL. Copy that URL. Go to https://<YOURSITE>

and create a new webhook with that URL. In your Workflow add postfunction "Trigger a webhook" and choose your new created webhook.


As I am writing this, why not have the workflow transition(s) with your custom events trigger the auto rule(s)? You can narrow down in the conditions (IF THEN) of your rule if an action should be performed depending on the issue's project.

Niklas Lampén December 13, 2023

Oh, this sounds like a viable workaround. Thank you! I was not aware of the incoming webhooks setup.

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Fazila Ashraf
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December 13, 2023

Hi @Niklas Lampén 

Unfortunately the custom events are not available as automation triggers at this time :( 

It is not even in Atlassian's roadmap as they have resolved these suggestions as low engagement /duplicates

I recommend you to use the workarounds on "Use a post-function to set the value of a single-select list custom field (which has options to match the names of custom events). Then use the 'Field value changed' trigger in the automation rule and select the above custom field. Add If/else conditions in the rule to check the value of the custom field and perform the desired actions." or webhooks and also raise a new suggestion with Atlassian.

Niklas Lampén December 13, 2023

Thank you for the suggestions.

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