How to avoid to link an issue if it already exists one from the same project

Dario November 9, 2020

I am trying to manage the Issue Links in a ticket.

I would like to be able to allow to link only one ticket from an specific project, as consequence, if it already exists one ticket linked from that project, show a warning which tells the user "there is one ticket already linked".

Can anyone help me about it? I can use SIL scripts if it is necessary.

Jira Server version 6.3.15.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,


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Hana Kučerová
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November 19, 2020

Hi @Dario

welcome to the Atlassian Community!

It is not possible to do such a thing without some additional application. Maybe this one could help you.

I'm not sure about the scripts, it won't be enough in this case probably. Which application have you installed?

Thank you.

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