How do I use IQl statement with dates

Fredrik Ottosson
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November 17, 2021


i'm trying to automate a feature in insight that changes an attribuite called status when a specific time has passed without any updates i have tried using the Iql statement "updated <= now(90d). The issue I än having is getting insight to recognize when an objectyype havent been updated in a certain time period,  does any1 know how to write an Iql statement that works for this. 

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Tessa Tuteleers
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November 17, 2021

Hi @Fredrik Ottosson , 

Welcome to the community! 

You IQL statement does what it it supposed do do, but I don't think it is what you want. 
Your statement says: "Give me all objects that have been updated before 90 days in the future", which makes it of course every object you have. 

You might want to try this: 

"Updated" < now(-90d)

Which means, "Every object updated before 90 days ago"

Hope this helps! 

- Tessa

Fredrik Ottosson
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 17, 2021

I did and it works now, many thanks Tessa 😀

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