How do I stop Jira email notifications from sending when Jira Automation assigns issue to yourself?

Dan H
April 19, 2021

Very simple rule execution for when a "sub-task" is created; if the Assignee is blank, then assign to the Reporter:


However every time this action occurs, Jira will send out email notifications because 'Jira Automation' is assigning the ticket, so it's not considered a self-action (whereby email notifications don't get sent).  Shown here:


Is there a way round to stop this from happening?
In other words this should be a 'silent' event because the reporter triggers the rule, and so does not need to be notified.

P.S. obviously our users don't want to turn OFF 'get email activity if Assigned an issue' from Jira Personal Settings, as this is needed is an actual user changes the Assignee.


3 answers

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Dan H
April 19, 2021

Okay so I think I may have just figured this out myself straight after posting lol.

Under Rule details, I simply changed the Actor from 'Automation for Jira' to 'User who triggered the event'.


And now no more email notifications are sent!

Please anyone do let me know if there's a better alternative to this solution though, thanks :)

Howell, Adrianna December 9, 2022

I don't see that option.  I'm not sure if that's only available in the cloud.  It's really frustrating because I can't easily determine view e-mail notifications what actually requires my action and what it just a senseless notification because I built out several notifications in a number of different projects for different teams.

1 vote
John Conneely
August 18, 2022

FYI - if you would like Jira notifications to be stopped as well as emails, you should vote for this here:

1 vote
Curt Holley
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April 19, 2021

You could also do this via a Post Function in the relevant Workflow.

Example: The field Fix versions will take the value from Fix versions. Source issue is the parent, destination the sub-task.

See here for details/inspiration: Configure advanced issue workflows | Atlassian Support

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