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How do I automatically trigger a status change on epic based on the status of its children

Shashank Agrawal September 26, 2022

We are trying to automate our workflow. Here is what we would like to do:

We want to change the status of a parent issue (an Epic) when the status of one of its children changes. For example, I have an Epic which has 2 dev story and 2 uat story. If any of my dev story changes to "In progress" then Jira automation should scan if all children dev stories are In progress only then i want epic to change status to In progress and ignore UAT stories which are also linked to same Epic. 

Currently i can scan either one linked child or all. Am i doing anything wrong or is there a better solution to achieve this via Jira automations?

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Mark Segall
Community Leader
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September 26, 2022

Hi @Shashank Agrawal - Here's an example of a rule that I use in one of my projects. When an issue transitions, it performs two epic branches (one for opening and one for closing).


Shashank Agrawal September 26, 2022

In the first epic branch, it will scan all stories linked to epic.. i want to scan only 2 dev stories and ignore the rest of the stories (uat story) 

Mark Segall
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 27, 2022

How are the dev and uat stories delineated?

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