How can I trigger an event, if an issue is not updated for a given time?

Martin Hechinger
July 22, 2021

The motivation is that we have some people to remaind to there work issues after a couple days. We wish that the stories get closed or commented by the assignee. If not I want to remaind them via email notifications.

Therefore I wanted to check after 5 days, if the issue is updated in the last 5 days with the field updatedDate. But I was running into the issue, that this date is always updated, if the story is moved from the passt sprint into the next sprint, when we start the new sprint. So the story always looks like updated by somebody.

I was also thinking to catch somehow the last written comment of the stories to see, if they are older then 5 days. Does somebody know how to do that?


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Iago Docando
Rising Star
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July 23, 2021

create an automation that triggers every day at before work starts and checks if the date of the last comment (or the las comment made by the assignee) is older than 5 days (and the issue is still open, of course).

Relevant smartvalues

  • {{}} - Returns the ID of last comment's author.
  • {{comment.last.created}} - Returns the date and time of the last comment.
  • {{issue.assignee}} - You can probably guess it ;) 

Then, as the action of the rule, send an email to each assignee.


I hope it helps :)

Martin Hechinger
July 26, 2021

Yes lago Docando,

thanks alot, this seams to me a solution. I just have to figure out how I tread the case, if a issue does not have any comments. :-)


Martin Hechinger
July 26, 2021

Ok, that with the empty comment was easy. But if I have the following else block, it send an email, even that the last comment is just 5 days old, but it shouldn't. ??


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Martin Hechinger
July 26, 2021

I could solve it now with a JQL query:

issueFunction in lastComment ("before -7d") 

Still don't know way the other way does not work.

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Iago Docando
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
July 26, 2021

maybe the syntax wasn't quite right? I couldn't tell you from the top of my head really. The good thing is that you got it going. Congrats :)

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