How can I set the a date of an issue based on the earliest/latest date of related issues?

June 8, 2020

I'd like to:

  1. Take a main issue
  2. And when it's sub-tasks or linked "is blocked by" issues have a field change on "Start Date" or "End Date"
  3. Find the earliest "Start Date" and latest "End Date" of these issues
  4. Apply the Earliest Start Date and Latest End Date to my main issue

Is this possible?

1 answer

1 vote
Elad Ben-Noam
June 18, 2020

Hi @stringsonfire,


Sure, it's possible but you need to change the way you think about this. you will probably need to split the sub-tasks and the "blocked by" issues.

Your trigger should be "field value changed" for "start date", "end date".

filter for "sub task" types only.

then use "if-else" filtering

on the first if: add "Advanced compare condition" and compare {{issue.parent.start date}} greater than {{issue.start date}}.

if it passes, add a "branch" to "parent" and then add "edit issue" action to copy the start date from the trigger issue.

Then use "else" to check for "end date" the same.

If it works - create a 2nd automation for blocked issues (you can probably merge the 2 automation but it will require much more filtering)

That should work. Good Luck!

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