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Handle sprint removal

Peder Alm November 18, 2022


Is it possible to catch when a user tries to delete a sprint? When I search for triggers I only find:

  • Sprint created
  • Sprint started
  • Sprint completed

The goal is to restrict that deletion of a sprint only can be done form the board where it was created. Now we have major issues that a sprint, by mistake or purposely, is visible in another board and that the board owner deletes it based on "this sprint isn't mine". :( 

Another option is to set that only the Jira project owner is allowed to delete a sprint.

Unfortunately the Jira permissions for "manage sprint" includes "delete sprint". Better would be to have "delete sprint" as a separate permission, but that is a case for another forum.

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Hamza Chundrigar
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November 18, 2022

Hi @Peder Alm 

I hope you're doing well.

With the 'Manage Sprints' permission, permissions are now checked against the filter query of the origin board — the board from which the sprint is created — not just against the issues within the sprint (as per this Atlassian article)


Depending on the filter query being used, your board might display sprints from other boards. For example, you have the TIS board and it's displaying Sprint 3, which was created in another board — the PMO board. In this case, the PMO board is the origin board of Sprint 3.

If you're in the TIS board and you're closing Sprint 3:

  • Jira Software checks if you have the 'Manage Sprints' permission for the projects in the origin PMO board.

Have a look at that article (linked above) and consider following the stated approach:

  • Create a new project role called Sprint Manager.
  • In the corresponding permission scheme, assign the 'Manage Sprints' permission to the Sprint Manager project role.
  • Associate the permission scheme with the corresponding projects in your instance.
  • Add the appropriate users to the Sprint Manager project role.

This may not be the most optimal solution you might be looking for, but this coupled with having an honest discussion with your "sprint managers" about being extra cautious going forward should hopefully reduce any erroneous sprint deletion.

I am not aware of any feature improvement requests opened for Jira Cloud (though I believe I saw one for Jira Server) where someone raised a suggestion of being able to restrict sprint deletion by having its own specific user permissions settings. If there isn't, then it may be worthwhile to create one.




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