Find issue with JQL and issue key as smart value

dstivanov May 29, 2020

Hi there!

I am trying to setup an automation, which parses github PR webhook payload, finds an issue based on this payload and comments under the issue that a PR is opened.

Unfortunately I am facing a problem with the JQL, because in order to get the issue key I need to extract if from the webhook payload.

Here is my JQL condition:

key = {{webhookData.pull_request.title.match(".*(RM-\d{4}).*")}}
  • I am absolutely sure that the smart value is working, because I am audit logging the same value in the previous step and it returns valid issue key;
  • I have tried the super simple JQL in Jira and the issue is found;

However, when the automation rule is executed, My JQL condition reports

"No issues were found, stopping the rule."

I found a super old bug about similar problem in AUT-516 and have tried the folowing options (none of them worked for me):

  • enclosing the smart value in single quotes ( ' ... ');
  • enclosing the smart value in two single quotes ( '' ... '');
  • enclosing the smart value in single quotes and escaping the double quotes in the regex;
  • enclosing the smart value in double quotes ( " ... ");
  • enclosing the smart value in double quotes and escaping the double quotes in the regex.

Here are some screenshots: Screenshot 2020-05-29 at 14.53.33.png& Screenshot 2020-05-29 at 14.53.49.png

I am sure that I overlook something and will need you help, community!


Best from me,


1 answer

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dstivanov June 23, 2020

The answer to this it pretty straightforward. We have to use Incoming Webhook as a trigger with "Issues provided by running the following JQL search". Here is a screenshot of the working rule:Screenshot 2020-06-23 at 11.16.11.png

Karin Berg April 6, 2022

I do the same as suggested here but when the title does not contain an expected issue string like "RM-123", then the automation fails and send me an email.

Is there a way to set a default value if no issue string is found? Or another way to avoid an error for this situation?

Karin Berg April 6, 2022

Ok, I figured it out by myself.

I use the option "No issues from the webhook" in the "incoming webhook". Then I add the following steps to the automation:

1.  "Create variable": This stores the extracted issue key from the pull request title into the smart value variable "issue".
Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 17.13.17.png

2. "Advanced compare condition": This has the effect that if there was no issue key in the title of the pull request, I do not execute the next steps in this automation.
Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 17.13.35.png

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Martin Cleaver
Rising Star
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April 15, 2022

You are lucky - you are running on Cloud.

Atlassian appears to be holding off from implementing "Create Variable" in DC.

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