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Field Value change for status change first time

Brandon Huckaby
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November 12, 2020

I am trying to create an automation that changes a field value based on the status change of a ticket. My example is when a ticket goes from "In Review" status to "UAT" I want the Finish Date to change to current date.

I currently have this working however I only want this to happen on the FIRST time this status changes from "In Review" to "UAT". The way my workflow is setup tickets can jump back and go through the Review process again. 

Thanks for any help or advice

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Curt Holley
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November 12, 2020

You can set the transition to only update when a ticket goes from "In Review" status to "UAT" and not any other status (which a presume you have done). So if you add into the automation that it only updates the "finish date" if it is empty as a condition, would that do it?

Only problem then is, if it does cycle through  "In Review" status to "UAT" more than once, it will still have the 1st cycle date as the finish date.

Helpful? perhaps???

Brandon Huckaby
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 13, 2020

Yes, I only want the finish date to update the first time it goes from Review to UAT. Right now if the ticket cycles through again the date gets updated again. I will look into how to only set if empty. Didn't think of that.


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