Displaying linked issues in Automated email restricted by link type

Mark Wheeler
August 21, 2020

Is it possible to list linked issues in an automation email but restrict the linked issue displayed by link type?

Also, I'm using the below notation to list some linked issues and it works great, but the Issue Summary is not show and it is populated.  The linked issue is in a separate project and it's a single project rule, but I didn't think that would affect data retrieval and display.

{{#issue.issuelinks.outwardIssue}}{{key}} ({{issuetype.name}}) - {{issue.summary}} - {{status.name}}{{/}}



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Mark Wheeler
August 21, 2020

OK I've worked out the summary point.  For linked issues lists you don't include the issue prefix, so to show summary it's:


Would still like to know about restricting by issue link type (note not inward and outward but the link type).

Mark Wheeler
August 21, 2020

And how do you display the name of the link type or anything about the link type?  I've tried {{linkType}} and {{linkType.name}} but neither work.

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