Difference between {#issues} and {lookupissues} --- Data Center

Kalyan Sattaluri September 1, 2023

A recent A4J release introduced {lookupissues} action..

Previously, I was able to access a trigger's JQL's result set using {#issues} and if I wanted, filter  the result set or count or do other things..

I am not able to understand what the difference is between these 2 or when will lookupissues action be useful?

Atlassian documentation is not clear.. Can anyone share their thoughts or point me to any previous discussion on the same?

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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September 1, 2023

@Kalyan Sattaluri


The benefit of the lookup issues action is that now you can lookup and iterate over issues outside of a scheduled JQL action.

One example might be checking to make sure individuals aren't overworked. When an issue is assigned, you can use the lookup issues action to check to see how many open tickets that person has assigned to them. If it's greater than 5, you could add a comment alerting them and suggesting that they check their capacity.


Does that make sense?

Kalyan Sattaluri September 1, 2023

I see, yes def makes sense. Thanks Kian for the use case explanation!

Melissa C
January 9, 2024

@Kalyan Sattaluri 

Sorry to jump on this old thread!
You mentioned that you used {{#issues}} to filter the result set.  How were you able to do this?

I'm currently looking to combine two tables in an automated weekly email. 
I'm using one jql query, I want to be able to put all the Issuetype Epics on one table and all the Tasks on another.  I'm able to create two table, but currently only able to get them in one table.  I've tried the Issueslookup but can't figure how to only get Epics/Tasks.

Any help/ suggestions would be amazing? 

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