Create an automatic "Side conversation"

Steeve Piette
July 2, 2024

Hi Everyone,

Newbie to Jira here , but trying to convince company that it could fit to everything we need.

Let me explain the issues.

Our customer Service already use Zendesk , if I want the company to migrate everything to Jira we must at least find everything they already do inside.

Mostly...i think there is a way to handle everything, except this particular thing they got wich is "Side Conversation"

Basically they can add a Side conv. to any ticket wich allow them to discuss with someone by Email.

- This personn won't have access to the ticket, only E-mail discussion , and can see what the personn show them (Copy the ticket content if they want)

- Discussion will not be shown isinde the Ticket. (Likely , a "secret" conversation)

- Can be done as well with a known user , or someone totally new.


So far, and after a topic in other community.

I think this can be related to

"There is the Main ticket , an automation rule create a second Ticket (or Subtask? not sure of difference) linked to the first one.

 -Agent can  share the second one wth someone, and "reply" to it, while the person won't receive any invitation , but just E-mail.

 - If main ticket is closed, the second will also be.

 - "Side ticket" can't be closed  if the main one is one"

 - Agent can add / Link thing from the main one to the second ,( Attachements, comments...?)

 - If the person on the "Side ticket" reply to the E-mail i will add a comment on it as well and notify agent.


Hope it's clear enough on what i'm looking to do.

If not, feel free to ask, i'll try to answer as clearly as I can.



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John Funk
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July 2, 2024

Hi Steeve,

Not sure you are completely going to be able to duplicate this, but that mostly depends on what type of person it is that the issue is getting shared with. If they are not a Jira user in that they do not have a Jira license, they could be added to the original request in the portal as a Request Participant. You could also add them to an Organization that is linked to the ticket. 

Then they could offer comments, but everyone would see those comments. 

If the intent is that they can provide some private comments that the user who submitted the ticket can't see this can also be done. But that user would have to be a licensed Jira user. Then on the Agent view of the issue, the user could add "Internal" comments that the originator of the ticket cannot see. The Jira user would only be able to add comments - not change any other data. 

Or if the user is also an Agent, then they could also provide comments which are not seen by the individual who submitted the ticket originally. 

This call all be done without creating a second ticket and sharing that. Creating a second ticket would still require that the user have a Jira license. 

Steeve Piette
July 3, 2024

Hi @John Funk 


Thanks for the answer.

Let say that the user who the ticket will be shared with won't have a license (basically can be anyone here for example)

By discussing this point seems there was a way by using a "second" ticket, wich as you tell can have public comment, don"t really mind about that as soon as the second one is not visible for the customer who requested the first one.

The creation of the second ticket would be done b a licensed agent for sure, but in my idea, by an auto task like "Create side Conv" .

this would create second ticket linked to the first one (Or as i told... a sub-task? not sure?)

And this one would be shared , not the main one

As well the personn who the ticket is shared with will need to lg in the portal? can't just "reply" to an E-mail?

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John Funk
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July 3, 2024

The problem is the no license thing. Your best best would be for the user to have a free Customer license. Then you can add them as a Request Participant on the issue so they can comment. But they cannot do it anonymously, and then need an account - though it would be free. 

Steeve Piette
July 3, 2024

Thanks for that


I'll dig into this and make few test to see how it can fit their need (hopefully...) or not


Have a great day

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