Copy multiple linked issues to a custom field in JIRA

Jagadeesh Dereddy
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June 25, 2020


I would like to have the "Issues linked" copied to a custom field in JIRA. I have configured an automation rule to copy the {{destinationissue}} using set value when the issue is linked. This will just copy only one linked issue. If there are multiple issues linked, I would like to see all the linked issues (Key) copied in the custom field.

Is it possible with automation rules? 

3 answers

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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September 6, 2021

"I have configured an automation rule to copy the {{destinationissue}} using set value when the issue is linked"

Do you mind sharing how to setup this automation rule @Jagadeesh Dereddy?

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Jagadeesh Dereddy
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 25, 2020

I am able to achieve the solution with this logic : {{issue.issuelinks.outwardIssue.key}},{{issue.issuelinks.inwardIssue.key}} when an issue is linked using the Link button and considering any issue types (like clones, is cloned by, relates to,..).

However, in this specific scenario the automation rule is not triggering to update the custom field on the original issue if the issue is cloned by using "Clone" button. As an example, on issue XYZ-1 click on clone button then creates new issue XYZ-2. The custom field on XYZ-1 is not updated through the automation rule to update the "inwardIssue".

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Atlassian Team
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June 29, 2020

I'm not sure how Jira's cloning works, exactly, but it sounds like the automation trigger is not being fired when the clone button is used.

I assume you're using 'issue linked' trigger?

You could try adding an additional rule that uses the 'issue created' trigger to check for linked issues on newly created issues. That would involve a few more steps.


Trigger: issue created

Condition: Issue field condition, Links, Is not empty

Branch rule: Linked issues, all link types.

+ Action: Edit issue, use the logic you've already built above.

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