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Can groups be specified with smart values?

koutarou ishibashi March 18, 2024

In JIRA automation, I made the following settings in IF.

Related Topics: JQL
key = {{issue.parent.parent.key}}

Matching JQL

Instead of setting individual user names in the reporter, I would like to specify the group "administrators". Could you please advise on the syntax for this?


2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
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March 19, 2024

Hi @koutarou ishibashi 

That is not possible yet, and there are a couple of suggestions in the public backlog to add it.

A work-around, to avoid manually updating the list of user account id values, would be:

  • call the REST API function to get the group's users with the Send Web Request action
  • parse out the account id values to dynamically build the JQL

Kind regards,

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Nikola Perisic
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March 18, 2024

Hello @koutarou ishibashi 

Please refer to this link right here:,need%20to%20add%20individual%20users.

Currently, Atlassian is not supporting the smart values for groups.

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