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Automation rules

Jeremy Tatro May 23, 2023

I am new to setting up automation rules. I have a form in JSM that requires a supervisor approval for certain things. The supervisor does get the email when the ticket is created. Here is what I want to do. If the supervisor does not approve the request after a certain amount of time, I would like a reminder email to be sent to them. I can see the approval required trigger, but not sure what to do behind it to make it a reminder email.

Any guidance would be very helpful. 

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Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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May 23, 2023

Hi @Jeremy Tatro,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

You can use the scheduled component to do this, I have one that sends out reminders every morning to approvers that still need to take action:

Screenshot 2023-05-23 at 2.03.51 PM.png

Jeremy Tatro May 23, 2023

@Mikael Sandberg I have set this up to run in the next five minutes. I will let you know if this works for me. 

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Jeremy Tatro May 23, 2023

@Mikael Sandberg The schedule setup worked perfectly. Thank you for the assistance. 

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