Automation rule - create issue if issue not present

Brandon Criger January 23, 2023

As new Story is created in Scrum backlog.
We want to use JQL to check to see if a story exsist and if not create one.


This is a copy of the JQL I am attempting:
project = "BB Scrumble" AND issuetype = Story AND component = "AA Stack" AND status not in (Done,Cancelled) and ({{"Labels 1"}} = {{triggerissue."Labels 1"}})


The Labels 1 field contains our strategy IDs.  We can have multiple Scrum Stories with same strategy ID, but we only want to create one new story in Scrum with component "AA Stack"

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Mark Segall
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January 23, 2023

Hi @Brandon Criger and welcome to the community!

You can have a query where one smart value = another smart value.  Also, is Labels 1 a text field?  If so, it should look something like this:

project = "BB Scrumble" AND issuetype = Story AND component = "AA Stack" AND status not in (Done,Cancelled) and "Labels 1" ~ {{triggerissue."Labels 1"}})
Brandon Criger January 23, 2023

Thank you for the feedback.  I did find out my original JQL worked, but me the user didn't have authority to create new issues in the specific project.  

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