Automation of Sub-tasks

Kelly Peck August 2, 2020

We currently have recurring tasks and have set these up as Sub-Tasks within Jira Software (server)

I am looking for the functionality that will automatically create a new Sub-Task once last months sub-task has been completed?

We currently have Automation for Jira server (within our DEV environment) but I cannot seem to get this to work for sub-task to sub-task.

It will create sub-tasks off parent issues but not at the subtask level.

Thank you for your help

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Ste Wright
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August 3, 2020

Hi @Kelly Peck 

It should be possible - I'm using Automation for Jira (Cloud), but the options are broadly the same. This is how I did it:

  1. Create a new rule
  2. For the Trigger, choose Issue Transitioned - and set appropriate statuses
  3. Add a Condition, choose to check for the field Issue Type equalling Sub-task
  4. For the Action, choose Clone Issue - setting it for same project / issue type. As part of cloning the issue, you can choose what fields will be set

^ The action "Create Issue" didn't work here as you can't set the parent to be the trigger issue's parent - but clone utilises the trigger issue's parent and you can still decide what field values will be set like with create.

Let us know if this works for you in Server :)


Kelly Peck August 3, 2020

Thank you @Ste Wright 

This solution worked in Jira Server also.

Thank you I was going wrong with the Create Sub-Task, instead of clone

Appreciate your help


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Ste Wright
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August 3, 2020

No worries :) - if this answer works for you, would you be able to press "Accept Answer" so other users know this is the right solution?


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