Automation is set up to create new epic on transition I want to not create epic if 1 already exists

Jamie Gerace June 24, 2020

I have an automation set up:

When transitioned to: In Progress

Create: New epic


What I want:

When: Transitioned to In Progress

Create: New epic

When: Transitioned BACK to "In Progress" 

If: Current issue has already created a epic, do not create another


Note: Outside of limiting the transition to lock step, I can't figure out how to NOT create another epic if the issue is transitioned back to "In Progress" after moving out of it. 

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Andreas Knecht
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 24, 2020

Hi @Jamie Gerace ,

That should be possible, but you'll have to establish some kind of link or you'll need some kind of criteria to find the already created epic.

You'll have to change your rule like this:

  • Trigger: Issue transitioned to inprogress
  • Related issues condition: Here's where you can search for the epic issue (if it's linked, you could look through linked issues, or you can just use JQL).  Then set the condition to check that this issue *Doesn't exist*
  • Create the epic

For more info see the 'Related issues' condition on

Hope that helps!


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