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Automation - @ function

Leah Bell June 22, 2023

When will we see @ function added to Jira Automation

3 answers

1 vote
John Funk
Community Leader
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June 22, 2023

Hi Leah,

You will be better off asking Atlassian direction with a support ticket.

0 votes
Leah Bell June 26, 2023

Hi @Bill Sheboy 

will ask Atlassian Directly no worries but as a scenario i have set up a automation for the 

0 votes
Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 23, 2023

Hi @Leah Bell 

What problem are you trying to solve with that function/feature in an automation rule?  Knowing that may the community to offer idea.  Thanks!

Kind regards,

Leah Bell June 26, 2023

Thanks @Bill Sheboy 

as a scenario i have set up an automation for SLA - Breach in 30 Mins and would like it to alert me when commenting on this issue which it can do if i put CC: [~accountId:1234myaccountid] but i just think the @ function would be a lot easier then going in a finding peoples account ID's every time i want them alerting in a ticket update via automation.

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