Automation for Jira - Update Insight Attribute via Web Request - Errors - Send Web Request 405

Daniel Smith October 13, 2020

Hi there,

Reaching out to the community as we seeing some errors in our Automation for Jira configuration that doesn't provide a great deal of context!

Hope the community can help!

Our use case

We are attempting to use the Send Web Request action of Automation for Jira in order to add / remove users to a particular Insight attribute (i.e. for maintaining who has access to a particular IT system of our asset manager)

The error we see when A4J runs the automation

Send web request

Error publishing webhook. Response HTTP status:405

Error response HTTP body:{"errorMessages":[],"errors":{}}


Insight web request.pnginsight web request two.png

Does anyone have any context about what we should look to check?

We believe our json is correct, we are running the request through https as expected, the authorization is correct. 

Thanks in advance

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Hana Kučerová
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November 19, 2020

Hi @Daniel Smith ,

your request seems right and according to the documentation it should be possible to send PUT requests to /rest/insight/1.0/object/{objectId}

I think the problem is in the url you are creating with the usage of your custom field. If {{issue.customfield_14607}} is empty, you end up sending PUT request to /rest/insight/1.0/object/, which could result in error 405 - method not allowed.

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