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Automation for Jira - How to filter linked issues specific to the project and add as a comment?

Sami Ahmed Shaik March 13, 2023

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well.


Consider the following scenario:
Issue Key: DMM-123

Linked Issues:




Related To:




I would like to know using "Automation for Jira", how to add the following comment to an issue that should filter among the list of different linked issues.

Dear Reporter,

For further reference, you track the request from BRP-2234.


Sami S.




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Darryl Lee
Community Leader
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March 13, 2023

Hi @Sami Ahmed Shaik - so you only want to add this comment for BRP project links?

If so, then I would do something like: 


When: Issue linked


Advanced compare condition:

{{destinationIssue.project}} equals BRP


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Sami Ahmed Shaik March 13, 2023

Dear @Darryl Lee ,

Thanks for the quick response and rule details.

How can we add the same scenario using "Issue Transition" rule? Specifically, during the transition, I want the rule to filter the linked issues and select the BRP related issue among the linked issue and add the same to the comment.



Sami S.

Darryl Lee
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 13, 2023

Does this transition require you to add a link to BRP?

If so, then the rule will work fine.

Or are you wanting to add this comment only during this transition, if the link to BRP was added outside of the transition?

And is the transition for BRP tickets or other projects?

Assuming this is a transition for the DMM project (from your initial example), you'll need to do put the steps above inside of a branch:

Add Branch

For linked issues


Advanced compare condition:

{{destinationIssue.project}} equals BRP


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Sami Ahmed Shaik March 14, 2023

@Darryl Lee ,

Thanks for the quick response.

Exactly, link to BRP was added before the transition in some other previous status.



Sami S.

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