Automation: Ticket added to Epic

January 25, 2021

I'd like to receive an email when tickets are added to an epic. What's the best way to set this up?

I have the following:


When: Issue created

Parent is not empty

Then: Send email


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Darryl Lee
Community Leader
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January 25, 2021

If your only parent type is Epic, I believe that should work.

Are there any additional constraints? Is it only *you* that should be receiving emails? Or maybe the current Epic assignee? If you wanted that, you could add {{issue.parent.assignee}} to the list of recipients.

Also, it might be nice to have a link in the email to both the new issue and the epic, so something like:

A new issue has been added to Epic <a href="{{issue.parent.url}}">{{issue.parent.key}} - {{issue.parent.summary}}</a>:

<li><a href="{{issue.url}}">{{issue.key}} - {{issue.summary}}</a>

And you'd probably want to put issue.key and issue.summary in the Subject: line.

1 vote
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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January 25, 2021

I think I would do the following...

Trigger: Issue created

Condition: JQL - type not in (epic, sub-task) & "epic link" is not empty

Then: Send email

adjust condition to meet your config

0 votes
January 25, 2021

Awesome, thanks guys!

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