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Automation: Copy Form to Subtask as PDF / Download Attachment, Re-Upload it

Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
Community Leader
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October 1, 2024

Context: For certain Requests we create Subtasks based on a fieldvalue in the submitted Form. We copy the Form from the parent to the Subtask so noone needs to switch between issues to have all the info.
However, by copying the form, we overwrite issue fields that have linked fields in the form - that is a problem for us.

What we want to achieve: Have all the context info contained in the Parent issue's form available in the Subtask

Idea: Download the Form as PDF and attach the PDF in the Subtasks

Problem: I don't know how to reupload the PDF to an issue per Automation.

What I got so far: 

I have the Webrequest for the PDF Download  ( and got the Webrequest for the Upload (

What I need is to figure out how to call the second Webrequest with the results from the first one.

Any ideas?

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Darryl Lee
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October 2, 2024

Automation doesn't support Attachments. As previously discussed here:

Automation doesn't have a filesystem. So there's no place for it to "keep" your PDF, so then there's also no place where you could specify where the PDF "lives" to upload it.

I think the only way to accomplish what you want would be to have some external server/service running somewhere that you could trigger from Automation that uses the APIs you found to download the PDF from the parent and then attach it to the subtasks.

But it's not presently possible using Automation alone.

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