Automatically create an epic in another project and change statuses

Виталий February 1, 2022

Two projects (Test1 and Test2) have been created in the jira for different purposes.

First. There is a need when assigning epic status "in progress" (Test1) to automatically create a similar epic in another project (Test2) with the status "ToDo". These two tasks must be linked.

Second. If the status of an automatically created task in the project (Test2) changes to "test", then you need to automatically change the status to the same status in the associated project task (Test1).

Can you suggest how to solve these two tasks using automation tools?

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Curt Holley
Community Leader
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February 1, 2022


Based on: you've linked them with the "Is cloned by" link type, I'd do rule 2 like this.


Виталий February 2, 2022

Hi @Curt Holley 

If you specify "Condition - Issue is Epic" in the second step, then when the status changes, the status in the associated epic of the current project changes. But does not change the status in the linked epic from another project (on the basis of which this epic was created).
In theory, it should be the other way around, that the status changed in the related epic from another project (on the basis of which this epic was created). What should be done?

Виталий February 2, 2022

Sorry I was wrong. The second step will not affect. It turns out that this is a setting to which project to apply this rule. But the question remains the same

Curt Holley
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February 2, 2022

@Виталий not certain I understand your question, but I think what you need to do is make the automation rule global, or multi-project, if it is always the same couple of projects. So that is can work across the multitude of projects that this rule may have to do updates in.

Note: if you are on Jira Standard, there are limits to how many executions can be done per month for global/multi- project rules.

Виталий February 3, 2022

Hi @Curt Holley 

That's what I meant:

Screenshot 2022-02-03 110050.png

Curt Holley
Community Leader
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February 3, 2022

So as long as the rule has Project PB (plus whichever others are in scope), you should be good to go.

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Pramodh M
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February 1, 2022

Hi @Виталий 

Welcome to the community 🙂

You need to create two Automation here

First one scoped to Project A

Trigger - Issue transitioned to In Progress

Condition - Issue is Epic

Action - Clone an Issue from Project A to B with linking the issue to triggered Epic

Second Automation scoped to Project B

Trigger - Issue transitioned to status Test

Branching - for linked issue

Condition - issue is epic

Action - transition the issue to test

Let me know if you have any queries


Виталий February 1, 2022


Thank you for the detailed answer.
There is a question on the second automation "Branching - for linked issue". You can describe in more detail or show in the figure which options to select and what to specify.

On the first automation. what needs to be added so that in the task on the basis of which the clone is created, a comment was formed with a certain text from the administrator?


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Виталий February 3, 2022

I can not understand why the rule does not return when the specified conditions are met? If I need the rule to select only epics from the project specified in the rule settings? Can you suggest what needs to be changed?


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