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Automatic status change for tests in X-ray

Manju Nair March 3, 2022


In Jira, while using X-ray app, I created the following items in the board:

  1.  Story 1--> Test Set 1-->Test Case1 .  All these have link type set as "tests" for Story 1
  2. Story 2--> Test Set 2-->Test Case2 .  All these have link type set as "tests" for Story 2
  3. I wrote a automation rule as(Screenshot) , when story is transitioned to Done, all the test case, and test set should transition to Done automatically
  4. The issue is , when I moved Story 1 to Done, the testset2 and tesetcase2 is also moving to Done. 

Please help to write an automation rule to set the status as "Done" for the specific story that I selected to transition to Done. Here for eg: when I transition Story 1 to "Done", move only Test Set 1 and Test Case 1 to Done.



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Stefan Salzl
Community Leader
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March 3, 2022

HI @Manju Nair and welcome to the community,

Could please also provide the screenshot of the rule and if possible also from the story with the linked issues?


Manju Nair March 3, 2022


Stefan Salzl
Community Leader
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March 3, 2022

As far as I got your requirement right this rule I tested in my system does the job:


Looking forward to your feedback.


Manju Nair March 3, 2022

Thank you so much. This correctly worked for the requirement.

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Stefan Salzl
Community Leader
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March 3, 2022

AWESOME!!! Happy it works 😉💪

Thanks for the great description of your use case. This was very helpful 👌

Happy testing!

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