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Automate the creation of multiple epics, each with multiple tasks

Elizabeth.Johnson March 7, 2023

I want to set up an automation that creates 5+ epics, and each epic would have 2 to 10 tasks under it. 

I can only seem to make it work for 1 epic, and multiple tasks. 

**Essentially, we have cyclical projects that have the same epics & tasks month to month, and I want to make it the Epics and Tasks appear with the push of a button so little time is spent on re-entering the tickets. 

I'd prefer to have this be a global automation so it can be used on ANY project, but I am OK if it is has to be the project level. s



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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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March 7, 2023

Hi @Elizabeth_Johnson 

Yes, the answer from @Stefan Salzl 

If your description of the scenario is accurate you may not be able to do this in one rule, and depending upon your Jira license level may not want this to be a global rule.


First thing: rules can have up to 65 components (i.e., trigger, actions, branches):  And your scenario of creating "5+ epics, and each epic would have 2 to 10 tasks" might exceed that limit.  Each epic would take:

  • 1 issue create action for the epic
  • 1 branch on most-recently created issue
  • 2-10 issue create actions for the task

So that would be 4 to 12 components x 5 epics = 20 to 60 components + trigger = 61 components.  That would be difficult to maintain and if the rule changes to do more (issues or conditions) it may be over the limit.  It may be better to use multiple rules in that case.


Second thing: you described considering a global rule.  There are limits on the number of global / multi-project rule executions per month, based on your license level: Free, Standard, Premium, and Enterprise.  These are described here:  Please check with your site admin as global rules can quickly use up limits for some scenarios.


Kind regards,

Elizabeth.Johnson March 7, 2023

I had no idea about the components limitations, thank you that is great to know. I also had no idea about the global automation, so that is also great to know. 


I am trying it with two rules at the moment because I need to proto type something in the AM. However I will also circle back with Stefan, in case there is a scenario that we can limit the components, and hopefully allow no changes. 

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Elizabeth.Johnson March 14, 2023

@Bill Sheboy thank you! I do actually have 62 components, and they want to add more - so the scenario is a perfect way to handle my tasks. 

I was able to get the other to work - so that is I have a simple scenario I can use that. 

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Stefan Salzl
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March 7, 2023

Hi @Elizabeth_Johnson 

Did you already try to create a rule? If so could you please share your current result and where you got stuck?

To add to your post: If you are able to do it for 1 you could repeat this step. see the following screenshot. The marked area could be repeated as often as needed in your rule:



Elizabeth.Johnson March 7, 2023

Hi Stefan, I did try this, but it wasn't working. I will recreate what I did in the next day, so I can share where I got stuck. 

Basically when I made the second epic, things did not work the way I thought - I will provide more detail. shortly.

I have to prototype something in the morning so I am trying it by using two rules, but I think the above is cleaner and would prefer to revert back to it if I can get it to work :)

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Elizabeth.Johnson March 14, 2023

@Stefan Salzl - Thank you! I dont know why this didnt work, I just tested it out, and it works now. However, I have 62 components, so I have to do it the way that @Bill Sheboy suggested.

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Julien Peyrade _ Elements
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March 9, 2023

Hello @Elizabeth_Johnson 

If you don't mind using an add-on, in addition to Automation or not, Elements Copy & Sync lets you do exactly that.

Basically, what you need to do is have a "template project" with all the Epics you may want to copy with their tasks. 

With Copy & Sync, you can automate the copy of these Epics, with their hierarchy intact, to any project that will need them. There is no limitation to how many times this can be done.

This copy can be done manually (you can select your Epics through Jira search and copy them in one click) or you can automate it with Automation (this will let you use any Automation trigger, but the Automation rule is quite simple: you just have to call our app as an action).

The app is free for 30 days, (and stays free if your instance is under 10 users), so feel free to give it a try, and don't hesitate to tell reach our Support if you have any question.

Kind regards,


Elizabeth.Johnson March 14, 2023

Thank you Julien, That is good to know. I will keep this in mind as we move forward as a company on JIRA. 

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