Autolinking tickets to a particular issuetype within a fixversion

Larry Katz August 14, 2020

The question is:
Is there a way in Automation for JIRA to automatically link tickets that are within a fixversion to a specific ticket type also within that same fixversion?

I would run this on the scheduler trigger, but the goal is this.

Fixversion is established: lets call it release-abcd

I have a current working automation that when a new fixversion is created it creates a ticket of issuetype called "Release Candidate" and added the created fixversion to it.

If any tickets (bug, task, story) are added to the above fixversion, I ideally want to have something auto link those tickets to the Release Candidate ticket which is also within the same fixversion.

There would be only 1 RC ticket per release and only 1 RC ticket per fixversion.

Is this even possible?

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Ste Wright
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August 14, 2020

Hi @Larry Katz 

To confirm:

  • There is one issue per release of type "Release Candidate"
  • RC has a FixVersion, unique to it
  • If Bugs, Stories or Tasks have the same FixVersion added to it - they should auto-link to the RC issue


If yes, this is how I got it to work:

  1. Trigger: Field Value Changed - FixVersions
  2. Condition: Issue Fields Condition - Issue Type (field) is one of (condition) Story, Task, Bug (value)
  3. Branch: JQL (type of related issue) - JQL: issuetype = "Release Candidate"
  4. Condition: Issue Fields Condition - FixVersion (field) equals (in any order) (condition) Fix Versions from the trigger issue (field)
  5. Action: Link Issues - <<link type here>> (this issue) trigger issue (issue)


^ Remember for the link type in Step 5 - you are linking from the Release Candidate to the other issue, due to the Branch in Step 3.

You can modify part of the rule depending on your specific need - for example:

  • Modify the condition in Step 4 to equal all FixVersions in a Release Candidate if there are more than one, or any other condition you prefer
  • Add an additional Condition before the branch, to ensure FixVersion is not empty on the trigger issue, if there are Release Candidates with no FixVersion


Let us know if this works for you :)


Larry Katz August 15, 2020

This is EXACTLY what I needed, and works perfectly, Thanks much! I was looking at the trigger wrong, field value changed for fixversion for sure did it. Much Appreciated.

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