Auto updating linked issues when an epics fix/version is updated

Craig Buchanan August 15, 2020

I want to update the fix/version linked to my epic whenever the epic's fix/version is updated. 

To complicate matters my epic and linked issues are in different projects.

I have tried creating a rule in the epic project that triggered based on an update to the fix/version but I can't get it to update the issues. Whenever the rule runs it is recording a successful run at the epic level i.e. tagging it with the same version that I just updated it to

P.s. I am using automation for jira

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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August 16, 2020

Hi @Craig Buchanan 

Just to confirm:

  • You want to update the FixVersion for issues which are children of your Epic
  • This should happen either when the FixVersion is changed in your Epic or...
  • A new issue is moved into the Epic
  • The Epic and the children are in different projects

^ The last bullet point is a difficult issue - Versions are project-specific, so if the Epic is in one project and the issues in another - are these two separate Versions with the same name? Or does one Epic project version relate to a specific child-level version?

Also to run a rule where issues from another project are actioned, it'll need to be a global rule.

Let us know if the above is accurate, and I'll try to help provide a good rule option :)


Craig Buchanan August 16, 2020

Hi @Ste Wright 

Your understand is correct. The versions are cross project releases setup using Portfolio.

I suspect that my administrator has disabled global rules. So was even wondering if there was an option to do a scheduled rule that checks say on a weekly basis to make sure things remain in sync and setup a separate rule to deal with when an issue is created.

Any help you can give would be really appreciated


Mark Chaimungkalanont
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2020

Hey there Craig, 

I suspect that my administrator has disabled global rules

You're probably not seeing this option at the moment since only global admins can administer global / cross-project rules

There are not too many workarounds at the moment apart from getting your global admin to create this rule for you.


Mark C

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