Any one knows , how to write perl script to search JIRA ID between Jan 2020 to June 2020 ?

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July 23, 2020

Hi Guy's,

 I am new to perl script & I was told by my Manager to write a perl script to automate the process of Searching all FIXEd JiRA ID from JAN 2020 to Jun 2020 , based on kit and kit version i.e

JiRA ID/kit/kit_version. 

And then check " code snippet" &  if it is present or not. If it is present , then take that code snippet & execute on your test case using your Makefile. 


And if it is not present then check for code Attachment or any reference of further JIRA given.

Make a separate dummy file and run that  searched code  ,for  example in and check if it is compiling or not and if yes then add all given switch & environment variables that was mentioned in the given Jira I'd.

And execute it in my test case file.


Hope you get the idea , what I am trying to say, even if the code matches the objective then it would be okay. I am not expecting 100 % match. So, please let me know if anybody knew about this.


I need to automate this.

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