Access "Development" field contents

Chris Melville
August 14, 2020

I'm looking to determine whether any open PR's exist on an issue.  I can get to {{iissue.Development}} but is there an easy way to extract the equivalent of this JQL "Development [pullrequests].open > 0"

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Kevin Bui
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2020

Hi @Chris Melville, could you please provide more information on what you're trying to do?

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but using the Lookup issues action you can enter your JQL query, and then have your automation rule perform actions on those issues (e.g.: Comment on each issue where Development [pullrequests].open > 0).

You can learn more about Lookup issues at our Actions documentation.

Hope that helps - Please feel free to respond if this doesn't answer your question.

Chris Melville
August 17, 2020

Thank you @Kevin Bui but I cannot find the "Lookup Issues" action.  I am using JIRA server 8.5.1 with the latest version of Automation for Jira.  Is this a case of lagging support for server installations or do I just need to upgrade?

Chris Melville
August 17, 2020

To actually answer your question... what I want to do is locate any issues with open PR's and transition them back to "in review" status.  I have automatic triggers set up to transition on PR merge, but if there are multiple PR's open for an issue I need to either prevent the transition until all PR's are merged (best), or look for issues that need to go back to review status as long as there is at least one open PR.

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