HI! This is a questions I am always asked by teams who collaborate in confluence pages. While it is great to view changes to a page that is being edited.... you can´t see who made those changes, so you don´t know who to go to and discuss the changes.
This could be a good feature to add.
Yes, I'd like to see that too.
But I can see it being really hard to do. Imagine several people in a meeting all trying to agree on a sentence in a page so it undergoes several edits in the same minute. How would you show that three people made a whole series of edits to it?
My instinct would be to do the obvious in most cases - where only one person has edited a section between saves, it would be great to be able to see that, but in the more complex cases, I think I'd just save it as "see the list of people who contributed to this version of this page".
But I do remember when we first got collaborative editing and seeing an -ise word being hit about 30 times by both the English and American-English speakers inside a 15 minute meeting. We really don't need to record that!
But that slight edge-case aside, yes, I'd really like to be able to see the individual contributions, not just the person who last belted "save".
If you raise this, let us know where to vote!
Hopefully I'm not missing the point here, but what about the Page History in Confluence Cloud?
This just shows a list of who published changes, but you can compare versions pretty easily.
If you want to dive into more specific changes (like what exactly was changed and by whom, you can click the Page Menu > Advanced Details > Page Information. Then under the Recent Changes Panel, you can click View Changes to see each one highlighted on the page.
Hi all.
Unfortunately no, it doesn't work like that. There is no such functionality at the moment.
Good luck)