"Updated" column is coming to the rules list

Hello everyone! đź‘‹

Based on feedback we received from you about difficulty finding and adopting rules recently modified by your teammates, we have introduced a new “Updated” column that will show when each rule was last modified. This will make it easier for you to find what rules your teammates created or used in the recent past so that you can replicate them if needed for your productivity.

The “Updated” column will show last modified info in a format of days/months/years ago. This column can also be sorted to see oldest updated or the newest updated rules first.

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Thank you for all the feedback and your continued support in helping us to make our products even better! We are continuing to invest in improving Atlassian Automation & the rules list to make it easier to use and navigate. If you have any other feedback, please, do not hesitate to reach out at https://jira.atlassian.com/projects/AUTO/issues.


Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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March 17, 2023

Hi @Maksim Marholin this helps.

Will rule changes also be reflecting in the audit log, especially who updated the rule?

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Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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March 17, 2023

Thank you, this will be helpful.

Andy Gladstone
Community Leader
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March 17, 2023

Helpful update. Thank you. I am with @Dave Mathijs on this though - what info will be available behind the date?

Maksim Marholin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 19, 2023

@Dave Mathijs @Andy Gladstone I think audit log already shows you any rule configuration changes, including who made the change (after clicking "show more"). There are no current plans to surface this information in rule list. 

John Funk
Community Leader
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April 3, 2023

I would be really nice to be able to search for a particular date and/or time. I often have find that a rule fired on an issue 3 days ago, and I see the date and time. But then I have to scroll through HUNDEREDS of executions to find that timeframe and then try to guess which rule fired. And if I guess wrong, I have to scroll through the HUNDREDS again to get back to the ones that first at that time and play the guessing game again. 

So, this is helpful to see that it was updated recently, but I really need to be able to search the audit logs list for pinpointed dates and times. 

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