Jira Automation: Updating a Confluence page with information from Jira issues


Danisse February 20, 2025

Hi @Hala ElRoumy  can you help me on my use case wherein what I want to happen is if a ticket is created it should create a new row on the table on the page but what it's. doing is just overwriting the exisiting entry.

Here's a snippet of my PUT function:

"id": "<<PAGE ID>>",
"type": "page",
"title": "<<PAGE TITLE>>",
"space": { "key": "<<PAGE KEY>>" },
"body": {
"storage": {
"value": "<table data-table-width=\"760\" data-layout=\"default\"><thead><tr><th><p><strong>Jira Ticket</strong></p></th><th><p><strong>Summary</strong></p></th><th><p><strong>Assignee</strong></p></th><th><p><strong>Created</strong></p></th></tr></thead><tbody>{{currentRows}}<tr><td>{{issue.key}}</td><td>{{issue.summary}}</td><td>{{issue.assignee.displayName}}</td><td>{{issue.created}}</td></tr></tbody></table>"
"representation": "storage"
"version": {
"number": {{webhookResponse.body.version.number.plus(1)}},
"minorEdit": true


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